
I was always disproportionately drawn to cameras. The tactile feel, the “gadget-y-ness”, the joy of freezing a snapshot of time. It took me quite a while to take the leap and invest in a nice camera (a Fujifilm X-S20), but it was one of the best investments I have ever made.

Looking through the pictures of friends and family over the time since I had this camera, my only regret is not buying it earlier.

EDC Experiment

I am currently experimenting with always carrying a camera.

As Matt Stuart said in Think Like a Street Photographer:

“If you don’t have a camera on you at all times… you’re just someone who saw some stuff and told people about what you saw.”

My pride and joy, the GM1

This little setup is the smallest interchangeable camera ever made, and I paired it with the smallest AF lens for the M43 system, resulting in this absolute cutie of a camera. Still shoots 16MP raw files, about 20MB each! :D


Below you can find a few rambles about photography.